
What Is MH Insights?

Welcome to MH Insights! This project aims to bring together, in "one place", the best resources available on the Internet related to the field of mental health.

The constant incorporation of new materials (updated), free-access to different resources (unrestricted) and the opportunity to participate actively in the development of this project by the readers themselves (interaction) are the three pillars that define the nature of MH Insights.

Throughout the next sections, you will learn more details...

Why a Project Like This One?

Dozens of research news are published every day. Hundreds of interesting resources remain hidden in inaccessible directories. Thousands of peer-reviewed articles are published annually with very different access requirements.

Countless resources appear and disappear. Broken links are multiplied by the lack of updates over time. The reading of different content on different sites depends on various conditions, structures, options...

As the Internet evolves it seems increasingly more difficult to keep up and have easy access to quality, reliable and useful resources.

This project is a response to this situation. It has emerged in the attempt to become a free, open and inclusive meeting point which facilitates the access, exchange and preservation of the best resources published in the field of mental health over the past years (2019-2000).

This project stems from a critical and selective perspective, filtering content and prioritizing those which are considered the highest quality. . . ensuring easy access to the same through the constant updating of their electronic addresses.

What Can You Find Here?

MH Insights resources have five essential characteristics :

[ 01 ] Free-Access Contents

No registration, No subscription, No monthly fees, No commercial bias.

[ 02 ] Multiple Types and Sources

Articles, books, theses, videos, journals, universities, governments, repositories...

[ 03 ] Relevant Information

Rigorous selection process, best scientific literature, useful for daily practice.

[ 04 ] Credible Authors

Only prestigious sources, explicit selection criteria, quality-filtered/reviewed.

[ 05 ] Participation-Interaction

Suggestions, comments, recommendations, evaluations, feedback, contributions.